Dissection podcast #6 with Silas Munro — Typographics 2017 Blog


Dissection podcast #6 with Silas Munro

Thoughts on choosing type for con­temporary art in an inter­national context

The sixth episode in the Dissection/Typographics podcast series features Typographics conference speaker Silas Munro. In this episode, they talk about the work Munro did for Mark Bradford’s presentation as part of the US Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Munro goes in-depth about the typeface choices for the project and how they are set within a “relaxed grid”.

You can listen to the interview below, on the Dissection site, or on Soundcloud.

Silas Munro will talk about “abject typography” during his presentation for the Typographics conference later this week.

Be sure to also listen to the previous interviews from the Dissection/Typographics podcast series:

For updates on future episodes and other Typographics news, follow @TypographicsNYC on Twitter.

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